Wednesday, January 8, 2025






特朗普版西方 北約版西方 的對撼



特朗普及其謀略團隊(下稱特朗普團隊) 俄羅斯的態度跟北約鷹派相比,頗有善意;四個政策觀點。


[Note 1]


[Note 2]

第三,特朗普團隊積極推動減少對市場的監管不僅明顯承載安蘭德(Ayn Rand 1905-82)倡議特朗普本人也多次高度讚揚這位為貪婪辯護 (Greed is good)的俄羅斯移民。

[Note 3]


[Note 4]

特朗普團隊 俄羅斯的態度不僅跟自二戰以來西方主流新自由主義(Neoliberalism)戰略價觀有別甚至可是南轅北轍。鑑於特朗普當今具有壓倒性的影響力人脈,即使在總統第二任期後,其倡議仍大有機會繼續主宰西方政治取向的演變

史學家 Norman Davies(1939- ) 在其1996 年的著作中指出,「西方」這個概自古至今有十二個版本,包括羅馬帝國美國領導的冷戰思維西方;個版本各具不同面貌

[Note 5]


第一北約版西方認為「西方」是融集資本主義、民主、科學、人權、自由為一體的陣營,那些不採納此等的人被視為隔膜另一邊的「他者」(the Other)

[Note 6]


第二北約版西方的安全疑慮中恐俄心態」(Russophobia) 權重比例極高箇中原因源遠流長;16世紀始西歐諸國關於俄羅斯的文獻大多是負面的描述。

[Note 7]

例如蘇格蘭哲學家休謨(David Hume 1711-76)黑種人天生不如白種人,而韃靼人(當時對俄羅斯人的)則是白種人中最粗魯、最野蠻的。法國哲學家盧梭(Rousseau 1712-78)在《社會契約論》第二卷中指出「俄羅斯永遠不會變得文明」。

捷克裔法國作家昆德拉(Milan Kundera 1929-2023作品包括

《生命中不能承受之輕》)直言中歐是被俄羅斯強佔的西方的一部分。英國陸軍上將,二戰時期邱吉爾的參謀長,首任北約秘書長伊斯梅(Lord Ismay 1887-1965)明言北約的任務是引進美、驅逐俄羅斯、壓制德國

[Note 8]



特朗普西方則根據特朗普(和馬斯克 Elon Musk)對某領導人是否機智的判斷來敲定元首之間關係政府之間關係。當某領導人被為機智,自視為天才不斷機智」特朗普願意與他交往結友,與他的政府談判,與他的國家合作。


[Note 9]



[Note 10]


[Note 11]



[Note 12]


[Note 13]





[Note 1]

2024 0626 Reuters

WASHINGTON, June 25 (Reuters) - Two key advisers to Donald Trump have presented him with a plan to end Russia's war in Ukraine - if he wins the Nov. 5 presidential election

Under the plan drawn up by Kellogg and Fred Fleitz, who both served as chiefs of staff in Trump's National Security Council during his 2017-2021 presidency, there would be a ceasefire based on prevailing battle lines during peace talks, Fleitz said.

They have presented their strategy to Trump, and the Republican presidential candidate responded favorably, Fleitz added. "I'm not claiming he agreed with it or agreed with every word of it, but we were pleased to get the feedback we did," he said.


2024 1208

PARIS, Dec 8 (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump called on Sunday for an immediate ceasefire and negotiations between Ukraine and Russia to end "the madness", prompting Ukrainian President Volodymr Zelenskiy and the Kremlin to list their conditions.

Trump made his comments just hours after meeting Zelenskiy in Paris for their first face-to-face talks since Trump won last month's U.S. election. Trump has vowed to bring about a negotiated end to the conflict, but so far has not provided details.


[Note 2]

A Census data brief by the Applied Population Lab

“White Deaths Exceed Births in a Majority of U.S. States”

Between 1999 and 2016, the number of white births fell by 10.8 percent to 2,094,000


2017 Mar 10

Trump and Putin: white supremacy

“Waiter, 111 million white Russians, please.”


2004 1023  “Is Russia the key to White survival?”

What role does Russia and the former Eastern Bloc countries play in this scheme of things? Russia is a White nation! Of the many capital cities of Europe, it is accurate to say that Moscow is the Whitest of them all.


2024 0409   MSNBC

“Trump makes unsubtle call for immigration from ‘nice’ countries”


[Note 3]


2016 0412

Trump described himself as an Ayn Rand fan.   He said of her novel Fountainhead, “It relates to business (and) beauty (and) life and inner emotions.”


Wiki  “Ayn Rand”


[Note 4]

2022 0328  CNN

“Donald Trump just can’t stop praising Vladimir Putin”

CNN —When someone tells you who they are, believe them the first time. Or in the case of Donald Trump, the 10th time.

At a campaign rally in Georgia over the weekend, the former President, again, praised Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“The smartest one gets to the top,” Trump told the crowd. “That didn’t work so well recently in our country. But they ask me, ‘Is Putin smart?’ Yes, Putin was smart…”

Former German Chancellor Angela Merkel has recalled her impression of Donald Trump during his first term in the White House, saying the new American president-elect showed a “fascination with the sheer power” of strongmen like Russian President Vladimir Putin


[Note 5]

Wiki, “Norman Davies”


Norman Davies (1996), “Europe: A History”, Oxford University Press.


[Note 6]

David Gress (2004), “From Plato to NATO: The Idea of the West and its Opponents”, The Free Press.


[Note 7]

Wiki, “Anti-Russian sentiment”

Anti-Russian sentiment or Russophobia is dislike or fear or hatred of Russia, Russian people, or Russian culture. The opposite of Russophobia is Russophilia.


Historically, Russophobia has included state-sponsored and grassroots mistreatment and discrimination, as well as propaganda containing anti-Russian sentiment.[1][2] In Europe, Russophobia was based on various more or less fantastic fears of Russian conquest of Europe, such as those based on The Will of Peter the Great forgery documented in France in the 19th century and later resurfacing in Britain as a result of fears of a Russian attack on British-colonized India in relation to the Great Game. Pre-existing anti-Russian sentiment in Germany is considered to be one of the factors influencing treatment of Russian population under German occupation during World War II.


Nowadays, a variety of popular culture clichés and negative stereotypes about Russians still exist, notably in the Western world.[3] Some individuals may have prejudice or hatred against Russians due to history, racism, propaganda, or ingrained stereotypes.[4][5][6][7][8] Negative views of Russia are widespread, but most prevalent in Western liberal democracies.[9][10][11]


2024 1218  RT

“Queen of Russophobia (Kaja Kallas): History of top EU diplomat’s blatant anti-Russian bias”


Wiki, “Kaja Kallas”

She was the first female prime minister of Estonia, a role she held from 2021 until 2024, when she resigned in advance of her appointment as High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy.[2] Since 2024, she has served as High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the European Commission in the second von der Leyen Commission.


[Note 8]

See Ch.3 “Making Europe: The Russian Other”, in

Iver B. Neumann (1998), “Uses of the Other”, University of Minnesota Press.


[Note 9]

2019 702   CNN

“15 times Donald Trump praised authoritarian rulers”


2024 1216  Caspianpost

“Trump calls Türkiye ‘very smart’ and praises Erdogan’s leadership”


2023 0720   AA

“Trump lavishes praise on China’s Xi as ‘brilliant guy’ with ‘iron fist’— former US president praises Chinese president as ‘smart, brilliant; leader with everything perfect’”


2018 0109  ABC News

“President Trump has called himself smart six times before”

"My two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart," he tweeted.


In a subsequent tweet, he said how the fact that he won his presidential bid on his first try "would qualify as not smart, but genius....and a very stable genius at that!"


[Note 10]

2024 0806 星島日報深圳俄貨集市福田新店直擊15大必買推介-新店限定食品日用品零食雪糕1起港人優惠最多平88


2024 0822  Reuters

“India surpasses China to become Russia’s top oil buyer in July”


2023 0612   AlJazeera

“Pakistan gets first shipment of Russian crude under discount deal”


wiki, Nord Stream 1

Nord Stream (German–English mixed expression for "North Stream 1"; Russian: Северный поток, romanized: Severny potok) is a pair of offshore natural gas pipelines in Europe that run under the Baltic Sea from Russia to Germany.[1]


2024 0212   EurActiv

“Austria’s dependence on Russian gas rises to 98%, two years after Ukraine war”


[Note 11]

2021 1028  Hamburg: Liaison Office China


從漢堡的姊妹城市上海出發,這條新的班列路線途徑哈薩克(阿拉山口)、白俄羅斯和波蘭(Małaszewicze),最終到達漢堡。 "上海號"中歐班列由上海東方絲路多式聯運有限公司負責營運。

漢堡市第一市長彼得·琛徹爾(Peter Tschentscher)認為這一新班列推動了漢堡和中國之間經貿關係的進一深化。 「我很高興漢堡和上海之間的直達貨運班列'上海號'已首次投入使用。漢堡和上海成為友好城市已有35年。我們在貿易與經濟、科學與研究、教育與文化方面進行全面合作。



[Note 12]

2024 0925  AlJazeera

“’I will prevent World War 3’, Trump says”


[Note 13]

2024 1125  CNN News

President-elect Donald Trump on Monday promised massive hikes in tariffs on goods coming from Mexico, Canada and China starting on the first day of his administration, a policy that could sharply increase costs for American businesses and consumers.


2024 1223  AP News

(AP) — Donald Trump suggested Sunday that his new administration could try to regain control of the Panama Canal that the United States “foolishly” ceded to its Central American ally, contending that shippers are charged “ridiculous” fees to pass through the vital transportation channel linking the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.


Wiki  Proposals for the US to purchase Greenland

Since 1867, the United States has considered, and made, several attempts to purchase the island of Greenland from Denmark, as it did with the Danish West Indies in 1917. While Greenland remains an autonomous territory within the Kingdom of Denmark, a 1951 treaty gives the United States much control over its defense.


2024 1227 信報特朗普「聖誕文告」又提擴領土


2024 1224 信報特朗普覬覦格陵蘭+總理誓不賣



2024 1218  X: Elon Musk

“Paid propaganda!”

“Wow, Turns out all those Reuters hit pieces were funded by the Biden administration.”


2024 1221  X: Elon Musk

“AP stands for Associated Propaganda”


2024 1225   New York Post

“Elon Musk urges supporters not to donate to Wikipeida after it spent $50M on DEI: “Wokepedia”

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